June 2005 - A cloudy day, but a lot of flying between sprinkles - and a fun day for all there. A wide range of airplanes - including a glider tow with an electric powered Senior Kadet towing an Olympic II glider.
24 files, last one added on Jun 27, 2005 Album viewed 99 times
Sep thru Dec 2005 - Our club meetings - not your ordinary meetings - focus on a program (many nationally know speakers) and show and tell of current projects.
56 files, last one added on Feb 11, 2006 Album viewed 102 times
December 2005 - Our last event of the year and very popular! Over 30 pilots came to fly, and enjoy the chilli and warmth of a fire as mother nature provided a blanket of snow for us this year!
23 files, last one added on Feb 11, 2006 Album viewed 88 times